Monday, February 25, 2013


I just bought, over the weekend, a couple of e-cigarettes. This is my second purchase of such a thing, after damaging the first one at the gym.

And yes, I have read of all the problems with e-cigarettes and am willing to risk it over normal cigarettes. Let that debate rage on between other people, at other sites. I'm not interested.

After two full days of using it, or is it a full 24 hours ++, I can safely say I can get used to it. My three-pack a day smoking habit is costing me over RM1,000 a month and I can't afford that lifestyle anymore. Even if I could, I am tired of going for scaling every six months to grind the tar stains from my teeth.

Talking about scaling, I am finally going for bridging in March. Need to cover this tooth I lost due to extreme brushing. Yes, I broke it due to brushing too hard.

I also need to go for another, separate medical check-up. I'm getting older and my body doesn't work as it used to. Once upon a time, I could shake the flu out of my system within hours. I could stay up longer, with a record 72++ hours without sleep.

Knowing my family's medical history, I do need to take better care of myself. I am never afraid of death, but a life hooked up to meds and machines is not the way I want to go. The men in my father's family have long lives.

My grandfather died when he was over 90. My uncles live to very ripe old ages and encounter whatever they encounter in terms of illnesses when they reach a certain number on their birthdays.

Last year was bad, as all my uncles suffered from some form of ailments or another.

On my mother's side, we have people who die suddenly and an affliction of diabetes as well as heart disease.  Strokes are common in my family, but they all survive it.

Anyway, one thing I've noticed with e-cigarettes is that men often treat it as some sort of surrogate car or something. Men are obsessed with getting the absolute best machine for the best price. Which is fine, I suppose. But they also turn it into a culture of sorts.

I do not know the benefits of doing so and do not wish to find out why. I take their information, gladly, and use it to finally reduce my smoking.

One day, I will have to quit, or the cigarettes will quit me. I tend to overdo things and there's no way I will smoke only one pack a day.

The men whom I consulted (5 in total ) looked at my tab and said I would save X amount every month, as if I'm making money from smoking e-cigs. This is faulty thinking. I don't make money from smoking e-cigs, I just cut the cost down.

Cutting costs does not improve existing revenue streams or create new ones. It just means I don't spend so much as I did before.

There are so many ways to cook the books so as to give the illusion of a better financial situation, but I am financially conservative.

Oh well. We shall see if this has any adverse effects on my writing. That is something I am not ready to give up.