Thursday, February 25, 2010

Master Humphrey's Cock

In 2001, I was doing my internship at a software company that writes security programmes for banks.

I wasn't allowed near the source codes, but was given a Pentium PC (100MHz processor!) with 16MB EDO RAM to do some bug-finding and compile a Help file. The Help file is animated and constructed using Macromedia Director.

Other applications I run on that old PC was Photoshop (!) and Flash.

Today, I use a netbook with a 1.7GHz processor and 2GB of RAM. For Word! And surfing.

Don't give me any of that bullshit how netbooks are slow, okay.

I used to run fucking Lightwave 3D on my old 833MHz Pentium III PC, with 256MB SD RAM.

It took three hours to render three seconds of crappy 3D animation, but there you go.

Today's people are spoiled. ANy machine with less than 1GB RAM is slow, when for years - YEARS - some publications use a Mac with 256MB RAM for Quark and InDesign.

And before that, graphic artists used to die from bromide poisoning from the fucking bromide shit they used.

Me? Whenever I use a new machine, I find the machine's rhythm. There's a beat that goes with any machine, and you may have to adapt to the thing.

What is data, but music and math? Wrote Jack McKinney.